Effective Acne Scars Treatment for Smooth Skin
Acne scars can be stubborn and difficult to treat, often affecting an individual’s confidence and skin appearance long after acne itself has faded. Over the years, dermatology and skincare advancements have led to the development of various effective treatments that address acne scars and work toward achieving smooth skin. From non-invasive therapies to more intense procedures, options exist to target all types of acne scars, whether they’re shallow, deep, or discolored. Understanding Acne Scars and Why They Form Acne Scars Treatment in Dubai when the skin suffers from inflammation caused by acne lesions such as cysts, papules, or pustules. These lesions damage the skin and, during the healing process, the body may produce either too much or too little collagen, resulting in scars. There are different types of acne scars, including atrophic scars (indented scars that form when collagen production is insufficient), hypertrophic scars (raised scars caused by excess col...